Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Deep Elm Street Art

There are a few murals and artworks in downtown Dallas in Deep Elm which is located mostly off Main St., Elm, and Commerce. Deep Ellum Art Park is located under the main highway Interstate 75. There are outdoor murals and sculptures. Below are a few images of the scene. I looked for activist artwork in my quest. The work is interesting because most of it was on the bottom half of the columns to hold up the overpasses. 

"Traveling Man Sculptures" are also part of Deep Elm culture. I associate the sculptures with places that I am trying to go. Deep Elm is the place to listen to music because it has like 7 different music venues and when I am in route, I always refer to the sculptures to make sure I am going the right direction. I also noticed they are adding another one of these in the area that seems to be sinking in the bed of sand.  See the images below.

You will notice, they remind me and others of the cartoon character "Betty Boop". Her head is the same shape as well as her hair-do.

" Good Latimer Mural" is a large wall located on the street Good Latimer. It is a mural developed in 2006 where the city commissioned artist to paint a design on the graffitied wall. Before illegal graffiti artist tagged the large wall. It is located right next to the rail for the dart that goes through down town.

These other works are murals around the bars or even part of the bar as well as music venues.

You can further see the work and information about this area in deep elm through


  1. Wow stunning imagery, I had no idea how much resided in the dallas area. Would love to see these in person.

  2. The photos are awesome! Don't know if and of you all made the connection, but one of the pieces depicts Woody Guthrie who has come up a few times in class.

    This one: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GZkbhT6WheQ/U9hpYHbza8I/AAAAAAAAANU/z6fXfGHX1PU/s1600/IMG_4990.JPG

  3. wow! I lived north of Ft Worth for so many years and had no idea this was not that far! Beautiful! My only suggestion would be set the images at the largest setting so we can see them better! Very cool! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Great photos! I especially like the ART one. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Lots of great visuals. Nice site. You need to do something with this. Lots of directions for an art class.
